Term 4

Please ensure your children bring their book bags and reading logs to class everyday.  New books are issued to students with a book bag and reading log on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Thank you.

Week 2

Disney - Mo'ale, Winter, Bob, Novena


Text: The picnic

Focus word/s:  the we put in


Text: At the Beach

Focus word/s:  I at the look

Nickelodeon - Zheporah, Talitha, Alan


Text: Where are my sicks?

Focus word/s:  my where are


Text: Mums and Dads

Focus word/s:  a dad is mum too

Cartoon Network- Ettelei, Ayvah, Jenny Maree, Peter


Text: Our teacher Miss Pool

Focus word/s:  on she went by - days of the week


Text: The Pirate and the Parrot

Focus word/s:  the had I a

 Term 3


Reading Logs : Please ensure your child has his/her Reading Log in the book bag. The Reading Logs are important, they have to be signed everyday after your child reads the book given many times and learn the words from the book. I have shared the words they have to learn under Reading books - Week ...


 Reading Books - This Term I will start giving the children a reading book to take home from week 3.  Please encourage your child to read the book every day at least 5 times and practice the spelling word given.  It also ensures that your child uses the sanitiser  or washes their hand before using the book, then puts it in the book bag and school bag straight away. 

Thanks for your understanding. 

Reading books

Week 3

Text: I can read

Focus word/s:  I

Week 4

Text: At the beach

Focus word/s:  I, at, the

Learning Intentions

Week 3-6

IAL:  to point to each word as I read them

S.C: I can point to the first word

I can jump over the space to get to each new word

I can match my finger to the words as I read them

Week 7-8

IAL:  to monitor on a known word

S.C: I can say the word

I can hear the first sound

I can point to the letter

I can correct my own reading

Week 9

IAL:  to monitor on an unknown word

S.C: I can say the word

I can hear the first sound

I can point to the letter

I can correct my own reading


Week 10

IAL:  to look at words

S.C: I can say the word

I can clap the sounds

I can make

and write the parts of a word

                                                                         Term 4


Week 1-2

IAL: to read tricky words

S.C: I can sound the first part

I can sound out the middle part

I can sound out the last part

I can say the word

Week 2-4

IAL: to read tricky words

S.C: I can sound the first part

I can sound out the middle part

I can sound out the last part

I can say the word

Week 5-6

IAL: to scan the text for an unfamiliar word

S.C: I can say the word

I can hear the first sound

I can find the correct word

Week 7

IAL:  to monitor on a known word

S.C: I can say the word

I can hear the first sound

I can point to the letter

I can correct my own reading

Week 8

IAL:  to monitor on an unknown word

S.C: I can say the word

I can hear the first sound

I can point to the letter

I can correct my own reading

Week 9

IAL:  to reread to gain meaning

S.C: I can go back to the beginning to see if what I read makes sense

 I can say, clap, make and write the parts of a word 

 I can find a part of the word I know so that I can make a new word

Week 10

IAL: to read fluently

S.C: I can recognise the words

I can read the words correctly

I can pay attention to punctuation, speed, tone

I can understand what the story is about


No Reading books to take home in the last week of term

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